Source code for


io functions for mfem. Supports simple linear elements (straight meshes)
For detailed information, see:

import numpy as np

from gustaf import settings
from gustaf.faces import Faces
from gustaf.volumes import Volumes

geometry_types = {
    "POINT": 0,
    "SEGMENT": 1,
    "TRIANGLE": 2,
    "SQUARE": 3,
    "CUBE": 5,
    "PRISM": 6,

[docs] def load(fname): """Load mesh in MFEM format. Loads vertices and their connectivity. Currently cannot process boundary. Parameters ------------ fname: str Returns ------------ mesh """ def extract_values(fname, start_index, n_lines, total_lines, dtype): """Extract information from file. Reads [n_lines] lines from file [fname] starting at line [start_index] and returns array of type [dtype]. Parameters ------------ fname: str start_index: int n_lines: int total_lines: int Number of total lines of file dtype: (NumPy) data type Returns ------------ NumPy Array """ end_index = total_lines - (start_index + n_lines + 2) return np.genfromtxt( fname, delimiter=" ", skip_header=start_index, skip_footer=end_index, dtype=dtype, ) with open(fname) as f: lines = f.readlines() total_lines = len(lines) # Read values of keywords keywords = ["dimension", "elements", "boundary", "vertices"] indices = [lines.index(f"{keyword}\n") for keyword in keywords] dimension, n_elements, n_boundaries, n_vertices = ( int(lines[index + 1]) for index in indices ) vdim = int(lines[indices[-1] + 2]) # Extract values elements = extract_values( fname, indices[1] + 2, n_elements, total_lines, settings.INT_DTYPE ) if elements.shape[0] != n_elements: raise ValueError("Number of elements do not match.") boundary = extract_values( fname, indices[2] + 2, n_boundaries, total_lines, settings.INT_DTYPE, ) if boundary.shape[0] != n_boundaries: raise ValueError("Number of boundaries do not match.") vertices = extract_values( fname, indices[3] + 3, n_vertices, total_lines, settings.FLOAT_DTYPE, ) if vertices.shape != (n_vertices, vdim): raise ValueError("Number of vertices do not match.") connectivity = elements[:, 2:] if dimension == 2: mesh = Faces(vertices=vertices, faces=connectivity) elif dimension == 3: mesh = Volumes(vertices=vertices, volumes=connectivity) return mesh
[docs] def export(mesh, fname): """Export mesh in MFEM format. Supports 2D triangle and quadrilateral meshes. Does not support different element attributes or difference in vertex dimension and mesh dimension. Parameters ------------ mesh: Faces fname: str Returns ------------ None """ # Basic infos nvertices, dim = mesh.vertices.shape def format_array(array): """Format NumPy array into string. Each entry in a row is separated by a blank space and every row is separated by a new line. Parameters ------------ array: NumPy array Returns ------------ str """ row_strings = [" ".join(map(str, row)) for row in array] return "\n".join(row_strings) # Export 2D mesh if dim == 2: # Elements element_attribute = 1 # Other numbers not yet supported elements = mesh.elements n_elements, n_element_vertices = elements.shape if n_element_vertices == 3: geometry_type = geometry_types["TRIANGLE"] elif n_element_vertices == 4: geometry_type = geometry_types["SQUARE"] else: raise NotImplementedError( "Sorry, we cannot export mesh with elements " f"with {n_element_vertices} vertices." ) e = np.ones((n_elements, 1), dtype=settings.INT_DTYPE) elements_array = np.hstack( (element_attribute * e, geometry_type * e, elements) ) elements_array_string = format_array(elements_array) elements_string = f"elements\n{n_elements}\n" elements_string += f"{elements_array_string}\n\n" # Boundary edges = mesh.edges() nboundary_edges = sum(map(len, mesh.BC.values())) boundary_array = np.empty( (nboundary_edges, 4), dtype=settings.INT_DTYPE ) startrow = 0 # Add boundary one by one as SEGMENTs for bid, edgeids in mesh.BC.items(): nedges = len(edgeids) e = np.ones(nedges).reshape(-1, 1) vertex_list = edges[edgeids, :] boundary_array[startrow : (startrow + nedges), :] = np.hstack( (int(bid) * e, geometry_types["SEGMENT"] * e, vertex_list) ) startrow += nedges boundary_array_string = format_array(boundary_array) boundary_string = f"boundary\n{nboundary_edges}\n" boundary_string += f"{boundary_array_string}\n\n" # Vertices vdim = 2 # Currently only option vertices_array_string = format_array(mesh.vertices) vertices_string = f"vertices\n{nvertices}\n{vdim}\n" vertices_string += f"{vertices_array_string}" with open(fname, "w") as f: f.write("MFEM mesh v1.0\n\n") f.write(f"dimension\n{dim}\n\n") f.write(elements_string) f.write(boundary_string) f.write(vertices_string) # Export 3D mesh else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Sorry, we cannot export mesh of dimension {dim}." )