io functions for mixd.
import os
import struct
import numpy as np
from gustaf.faces import Faces
from gustaf.io.ioutils import abs_fname, check_and_makedirs
from gustaf.utils import log
from gustaf.volumes import Volumes
def load(
simplex=True, volume=False, fname=None, mxyz=None, mien=None, mrng=None
"""mixd load. To avoid reading minf, all the crucial info can be given as
params. Default input will try to import `mxyz`, `mien`, `mrng` from
current location and assumes mesh is 2D triangle.
simplex: bool
Default is True. Is it triangle based?
volume: bool
Default is False. Is it 3D?
fname: str
Default is None. Specify your mixd file names with ".xns" postfix.
Ex) "gustaf.xns" will try to load "gustaf.mxyz", "gustaf.mien",
and "gustaf.mrng"
mxyz: str
Default is None.
mien: str
Default is None.
mrng: str
Default is None. This is optional.
mesh: Faces or Volumes
# figure out input type
specified_input = mxyz is not None # bare minimum input
fname_input = (fname is not None) and not specified_input
default_input = not (fname_input or specified_input)
if default_input:
mxyz = "mxyz"
mien = "mien"
mrng = "mrng"
elif fname_input:
fname = abs_fname(fname)
fbase, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
if os.path.basename(fbase) == "_":
fbase = fbase[:-1]
fbase += "."
mxyz = fbase + "mxyz"
mien = fbase + "mien"
mrng = fbase + "mrng"
# vertices
vertices = np.fromfile(mxyz, dtype=">d").astype(np.float64)
# connec
connec = None
connec = (np.fromfile(mien, dtype=">i") - int(1)).astype(np.int32)
except BaseException:
log.debug(f"mien file, `{mien}`, does not exist. Skipping.")
# boundary conditions
bcs = dict()
bcs_in = np.fromfile(mrng, dtype=">i").astype(np.int32) # flattened
uniq_bcs_in = np.unique(bcs_in)
uniq_bcs_in = uniq_bcs_in[uniq_bcs_in > 0] # keep only natural nums
sub_elem_ids = np.arange(bcs_in.size)
for ubci in uniq_bcs_in:
bcs.update({str(ubci): sub_elem_ids[bcs_in == ubci]})
except BaseException:
log.debug(f"mrng file, `{mrng}`, does not exist. Skipping.")
# reshape vertices
vertices = vertices.reshape(-1, 3) if volume else vertices.reshape(-1, 2)
# reshape connec
if connec is not None:
ncol = int(3) if simplex and not volume else int(4)
ncol = int(8) if ncol == int(4) and volume and not simplex else ncol
connec = connec.reshape(-1, ncol)
mesh = Volumes(vertices, connec) if volume else Faces(vertices, connec)
# bc
if len(bcs) != 0:
mesh.BC = bcs
return mesh
def export(
"""Export in mixd format. Supports triangle, quadrilateral, tetrahedron,
and hexahedron semi-discrete and (flat) space-time mesh output.
mesh: Faces or Volumes
fname: str
space_time : bool
Export Mesh as Space-Time Slab for discontinuous space-time
# did you give us an acceptable mesh?
acceptable_shapes = ["tri", "quad", "tet", "hexa"]
whatami = mesh.whatami
if whatami not in acceptable_shapes:
raise NotImplementedError(
f"Sorry, we can't export {whatami}-shape in mixd format."
# prepare export location
fname = abs_fname(fname)
# basic infos
dim = mesh.vertices.shape[1]
big_endian_int = ">i"
big_endian_double = ">d"
# prep files
fbase, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
if ext.startswith(".xns"):
# frequently used case in practice. no base export
if os.path.basename(fbase) == "_":
fdir = os.path.dirname(fbase)
vert_file = os.path.join(fdir, "mxyz")
connec_file = os.path.join(fdir, "mien")
bc_file = os.path.join(fdir, "mrng")
info_file = os.path.join(fdir, "minf")
fbase += "."
vert_file = fbase + "mxyz"
connec_file = fbase + "mien"
bc_file = fbase + "mrng"
info_file = fbase + "minf"
raise NotImplementedError("`mixd` format only supports xns.")
# write v
with open(vert_file, "wb") as vf:
for v in mesh.vertices.ravel():
vf.write(struct.pack(big_endian_double, v))
if space_time:
for v in mesh.vertices.ravel():
vf.write(struct.pack(big_endian_double, v))
# write connec
with open(connec_file, "wb") as cf:
for c in mesh.elements.ravel() + 1:
cf.write(struct.pack(big_endian_int, c))
# write bc
with open(bc_file, "wb") as bf:
boundaries = make_mrng(mesh)
for b in boundaries:
bf.write(struct.pack(big_endian_int, b))
# write info
with open(info_file, "w") as infof: # if and inf... just can't
infof.write(f"# dim: {dim}\n")
infof.write(f"# mesh type: {whatami}\n\n")
st_factor = 2 if space_time else 1
infof.write(f"nn {int(mesh.vertices.shape[0] * st_factor)}\n")
infof.write(f"ne {int(mesh.elements.shape[0])}\n")
infof.write(f"nsd {dim}\n")
infof.write(f"nen {int(mesh.elements.shape[1] * st_factor)}\n")
if space_time:
infof.write("space-time on\n\n\n")
infof.write("semi-discrete on\n\n\n")
# BC guide
infof.write("# boundary name : referenced number.\n")
for i, bname in enumerate(mesh.BC.keys()):
infof.write(f"# {bname} : {i + 1}\n")
# signature
infof.write("\n\n\n# MIXD generated using `gustaf`.\n")
def make_mrng(mesh):
Builds and return mrng array based on `mesh.BC`
Supports `Faces` and `Volumes`.
mesh: Faces or Volumes
Number of participating elements
boundaries : ndarray
The mrng-array.
# determine number of sub elements
whatami = mesh.whatami
nbelem = 3
if whatami.startswith("quad") or whatami.startswith("tet"):
nbelem += 1
elif whatami.startswith("hexa"):
nbelem += 3
# init boundaries with -1, as it is the value for non-boundary.
# alternatively, they could be (-1 * neighbor_elem_id).
# But they aren't.
boundaries = np.empty(mesh.elements.shape[0] * nbelem, dtype=int)
boundaries[:] = -1
for i, belem_ids in enumerate(mesh.BC.values()):
boundaries[belem_ids] = i + 1 # bid starts at 1
return boundaries