Source code for gustaf.utils.tictoc


Timer that tics, tocs and logs.
from time import perf_counter as now

from gustaf._base import GustafBase

[docs] class Tic(GustafBase): """ Timer class for easier time measurement. """ __slots__ = ("_title", "_names", "_laps", "_logger") # add short cut to perf_counter in case you just want pure "now" now = now def __init__(self, title="untitled", log_level="debug"): """ Configures the timer and logger. Marks the starting point. Parameters ---------- title: str Title for this measurement. Defaults to "untitled". log_level: str Valid options are {"info", "debug", "warning"}. Defaults to "debug". """ # select logger based on logger level self._logger = eval(f"self._log{str(log_level).lower()[0]}") # initialize names self._names = [] # give name self._title = str(title) # start self._laps = [now()]
[docs] def toc(self, name=None, log=False): """ Adds now to the measurements. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of this specific measurement lap. By default, it assigns a number to this lap. log: bool If True, will log lapsed time. Defaults to None. Returns ------- None """ # measure now self._laps.append(now()) self._names.append( f"lap-{len(self._laps) - 2}" if name is None else str(name) ) if log: self._logger( f"{self._title} - {name}: {self._laps[-2] - self._laps[-1]}" )
[docs] def summary(self, log=True, print_=False): """ Prints measurement summary to the log. Parameters ---------- log: bool Logs the summary. Default is True. print_: bool Prints the summary. Default is False. Returns ------- records: tuple Lap timings in a tuple consisting of a list of the lap names and times for each lap from the timer start (cumulative time). """ start = self._laps[0] cumulative = [f"{lap-start:.10f}" for lap in self._laps[1:]] if log or print_: message = [f"\n+++ {self._title} - time logs +++\n"] name_width = int(max([len(n) for n in self._names])) # extract info diff = [ f"{l1 - l0:.10f}" for l0, l1 in zip(self._laps[:-1], self._laps[1:]) ] diff_width = int(max([len(d) for d in diff])) cumulative_width = int(max([len(c) for c in cumulative])) message.append( f"{'names'.ljust(name_width)} | " f"{'diff'.rjust(diff_width)} | " f"{'cumulative'.rjust(cumulative_width)}\n" ) for n, d, c in zip(self._names, diff, cumulative): this_line = ( f"{n.ljust(name_width)} | " f"{d.rjust(diff_width)} | " f"{c.rjust(cumulative_width)}\n" ) message.append(this_line) if log: self._logger(*message) if print_: print(*message) return self._names.copy(), cumulative