Source code for gustaf.vertices


Vertices. Base of all "Mesh" geometries.

import copy

import numpy as np

from gustaf import helpers, settings, show, utils
from gustaf._base import GustafBase
from gustaf.helpers.options import Option

[docs] class VerticesShowOption(helpers.options.ShowOption): """ Show options for vertices. """ _valid_options = helpers.options.make_valid_options( *helpers.options.vedo_common_options, Option("vedo", "r", "Radius of vertices in units of pixels.", (int,)), Option( "vedo", "labels", "Places a label/description str at the place of vertices.", (np.ndarray, tuple, list), ), Option( "vedo", "label_options", "Label kwargs to be passed during initialization." "Valid keywords are: {scale: float, xrot: float, yrot: float, " "zrot: float, ratio: float, precision: int, italic: bool, " "font: str, justify: str, c: (str, tuple, list, int), " "alpha: float}. " "As further hint, justify takes '-' joined combination of " "{center, mid, right, left, top, bottom}.", (dict,), ), ) _helps = "Vertices" def _initialize_vedo_showable(self): """ Initialize Vertices showable for vedo. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- vertices: vedo.Points """ init_options = ("r",) vertices = show.vedo.Points( self._helpee.const_vertices, **self[init_options] ) labels = self.get("labels", None) if labels is not None: # check length if len(labels) != len(self._helpee.const_vertices): raise ValueError( f"number of label contents ({len(labels)}) and " "number of vertices" f"({len(self._helpee.const_vertices)}) does not match." ) # apply options and return labels return vertices.labels( content=labels, on="points", **self.get("label_options", dict()), ) else: # no labels, return Points return vertices
[docs] class Vertices(GustafBase): kind = "vertex" __slots__ = ( "_vertices", "_const_vertices", "_computed", "_show_options", "_setter_copies", "_vertex_data", ) # define frequently used types as dunder variable __show_option__ = VerticesShowOption def __init__( self, vertices=None, copy=True, ): """Vertices. It has vertices. Parameters ----------- vertices: (n, d) np.ndarray copy: bool If false, all setter calls will try to avoid copy. Returns -------- None """ # call setters self.setter_copies = copy self.vertices = vertices # init helpers self._vertex_data = self._computed = self._show_options = self.__show_option__(self) @property def vertices(self): """Returns vertices. Parameters ----------- None Returns -------- vertices: (n, d) np.ndarray """ self._logd("returning vertices") return self._vertices @vertices.setter def vertices(self, vs): """Vertices setter. This will saved as a tracked array. This tracked array is very sensitive and if we do anything with it that may hint an inplace operation, it will be marked as modified. This includes copying and slicing. If you know you aren't going to modify the array, please consider using `const_vertices`. Somewhat c-style hint in naming. Parameters ----------- vs: (n, d) np.ndarray Returns -------- None """ self._logd("setting vertices") self._vertices = vs, settings.FLOAT_DTYPE, self.setter_copies ) # shape check if self._vertices.size > 0: utils.arr.is_shape(self._vertices, (-1, -1), strict=True) # exact same, but not tracked. self._const_vertices = self._vertices.view() self._const_vertices.flags.writeable = False # at each setting, validate vertex_data # --> by len mismatch, will clear data if hasattr(self, "vertex_data"): self.vertex_data._validate_len(raise_=False) @property def const_vertices(self): """Returns non-mutable view of `vertices`. Naming inspired by c/cpp sessions. Parameters ----------- None Returns -------- None """ self._logd("returning const_vertices") return self._const_vertices @property def vertex_data(self): """ Returns vertex_data manager. Behaves similar to dict() and can be used to store values/data associated with each vertex. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- vertex_data: VertexData """ self._logd("returning vertex_data") return self._vertex_data @property def setter_copies(self): """ Switch to set if setter should copy or try to avoid copying. If data is np.ndarray, c_contiguous, and has same dtype as corresponding settings.<FLOAT/INT>_dtype, it can probably avoid being copied. Setter will try to cast input to bool. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- setter_copies: bool """ return self._setter_copies @setter_copies.setter def setter_copies(self, should_copy): """ Sets setter_copies Parameters ---------- should_copy: bool Returns ------- None """ self._setter_copies = bool(should_copy) @property def show_options(self): """ Returns a show option manager for this object. Behaves similar to dict. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- show_options: ShowOption A derived class that's suitable for current class. """ self._logd("returning show_options") return self._show_options @property def vis_dict(self): """ Temporary backward compatibility """ self._logw("`vis_dict` is deprecated. Please use `show_options`") return self.show_options @vis_dict.setter def vis_dict(self, vd): """ Tmp """ self._logw("`vis_dict` is deprecated. Please use `show_options`") self._show_options = vd @property def whatami(self): """Answers deep philosophical question: "what am i"? Parameters ---------- None Returns -------- whatami: str vertices """ return "vertices"
[docs]["vertices"]) def unique_vertices(self, tolerance=None, **kwargs): """Returns a namedtuple that holds unique vertices info. Unique here means "close-enough-within-tolerance". Parameters ----------- tolerance: float (Optional) Default is settings.TOLERANCE recompute: bool Only applicable as keyword argument. Force re-computes. Returns -------- unique_vertices_info: Unique2DFloats namedtuple with `values`, `ids`, `inverse`, `intersection`. """ self._logd("computing unique vertices") if tolerance is None: tolerance = settings.TOLERANCE values, ids, inverse, intersection = utils.arr.close_rows( self.const_vertices, tolerance=tolerance, **kwargs ) return values, ids, inverse, intersection, )
[docs]["vertices"]) def bounds(self): """Returns bounds of the vertices. Bounds means AABB of the geometry. Parameters ----------- None Returns -------- bounds: (d,) np.ndarray """ self._logd("computing bounds") return utils.arr.bounds(self.const_vertices)
[docs]["vertices"]) def bounds_diagonal(self): """Returns diagonal vector of the bounding box. Parameters ----------- None Returns -------- bounds_diagonal: (d,) np.ndarray same as `bounds[1] - bounds[0]` """ self._logd("computing bounds_diagonal") bounds = self.bounds() return bounds[1] - bounds[0]
[docs]["vertices"]) def bounds_diagonal_norm(self): """Returns norm of bounds diagonal. Parameters ----------- None Returns -------- bounds_diagonal_norm: float """ self._logd("computing bounds_diagonal_norm") return float(sum(self.bounds_diagonal() ** 2) ** 0.5)
[docs] def update_vertices(self, mask, inverse=None): """Update vertices with a mask. In other words, keeps only masked vertices. Adapted from ``. Updates connectivity accordingly too. Parameters ----------- mask: (n,) bool or int inverse: (len(self.vertices),) int Returns -------- updated_self: type(self) """ vertices = self.const_vertices.copy() # make mask numpy array mask = np.asarray(mask) if ( == "bool" and mask.all()) or len(mask) == 0: return self # create inverse mask if not passed check_neg = False if inverse is None and self.kind != "vertex": inverse = np.full(len(vertices), -11, dtype=settings.INT_DTYPE) check_neg = True if mask.dtype.kind == "b": inverse[mask] = np.arange(mask.sum()) elif mask.dtype.kind == "i": inverse[mask] = np.arange(len(mask)) else: inverse = None # re-index elements from inverse # TODO: Here could be a good place to preserve BCs. elements = None if inverse is not None and self.kind != "vertex": elements = self.const_elements.copy() elements = inverse[elements.reshape(-1)].reshape( (-1, elements.shape[1]) ) # remove all the elements that's not part of inverse if check_neg: elem_mask = (elements > -1).all(axis=1) elements = elements[elem_mask] # apply mask vertices = vertices[mask] def update_vertex_data(obj, m, vertex_data): """apply mask to vertex data if there's any.""" new_data = for key, values in vertex_data.items(): # should work, since this is called after updating vertices new_data[key] = values[m] obj._vertex_data = new_data return obj # make shallow copy of saved vertex data v_data = self.vertex_data._saved.copy() # update - if number of vertices changes, this will remove all the # length mis-matching data. self.vertices = vertices if elements is not None: self.elements = elements update_vertex_data(self, mask, v_data) return self
[docs] def select_vertices(self, ranges): """Returns vertices inside the given range. Parameters ----------- ranges: (d, 2) array-like Takes None. Returns -------- ids: (n,) np.ndarray """ return utils.arr.select_with_ranges(self.vertices, ranges)
[docs] def remove_vertices(self, ids): """Removes vertices with given vertex ids. Parameters ----------- ids: (n,) np.ndarray Returns -------- new_self: type(self) """ mask = np.ones(len(self.vertices), dtype=bool) mask[ids] = False return self.update_vertices(mask)
[docs] def merge_vertices(self, tolerance=None, **kwargs): """Based on unique vertices, merge vertices if it is mergeable. Parameters ----------- tolerance: float Default is settings.TOLERANCE Returns -------- merged_self: type(self) """ unique_vs = self.unique_vertices(tolerance, **kwargs) self._logd("number of vertices") self._logd(f" before merge: {len(self.vertices)}") self._logd(f" after merge: {len(unique_vs.ids)}") return self.update_vertices( mask=unique_vs.ids, inverse=unique_vs.inverse, )
[docs] def showable(self, **kwargs): """Returns showable object, meaning object of visualization backend. Parameters ----------- **kwargs: Returns -------- showable: obj Obj of `gustaf.settings.VISUALIZATION_BACKEND` """ return show.make_showable(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def show(self, **kwargs): """Show current object using visualization backend. Parameters ----------- **kwargs: Returns -------- None """ return, **kwargs)
[docs] def copy(self): """Returns deepcopy of self. Parameters ----------- None Returns -------- self_copy: type(self) """ # all attributes are deepcopy-able return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] @classmethod def concat(cls, *instances): """Sequentially put them together to make one object. Parameters ----------- *instances: List[type(cls)] Allows one iterable object also. Returns -------- one_instance: type(cls) """ def is_concatable(inst): """Return true, if it is same as type(cls)""" if isinstance(inst, cls): return True else: return False # If only one instance is given and it is iterable, adjust # so that we will just iterate that. if ( len(instances) == 1 and not isinstance(instances[0], str) and hasattr(instances[0], "__iter__") ): instances = instances[0] vertices = [] has_elem = cls.kind != "vertex" if has_elem: elements = [] # check if everything is "concatable". for ins in instances: if not is_concatable(ins): raise TypeError( "Can't concat. One of the instances is not " f"`{cls.__name__}`." ) tmp_ins = ins.copy() # make sure each element index starts from 0 & end at len(vertices) if has_elem: tmp_ins.remove_unreferenced_vertices() vertices.append(tmp_ins.vertices) if has_elem: if len(elements) == 0: elements.append(tmp_ins.elements) e_offset = elements[-1].max() + 1 else: elements.append(tmp_ins.elements + e_offset) e_offset = elements[-1].max() + 1 if has_elem: return cls( vertices=np.vstack(vertices), elements=np.vstack(elements), ) else: return Vertices(vertices=np.vstack(vertices))
def __add__(self, to_add): """Concat in form of +. Parameters ----------- to_add: type(self) Returns -------- added: type(self) """ return type(self).concat(self, to_add)